Who Knew...

Who knew that there would always be a choice
has the power to become
whatever they choose.


Where did she learn to be so critical cruel,
hyperactive in her hostility
towards me,
turning every little action mine
into a fault of being?

I sit here alone,
that the boomerang of yesterday's arguments
have finally returned to me.

NYC Shop

NYC Shop

Upside Down

Sometimes my vision gets twisted
And I get lost in cause and effect
My reason turning upside down

Should I Go?

Originally uploaded by BottleLeaf

Inviting and ominous
Freedom calling
Should I Go?

Around the edges

hawthorn in fog
Originally uploaded by norbeast

Sometimes it's not so clear
And the fuzziness of my edges
The fog is a blessing

...and So Should I Be

It seems like it just flows sometimes often
whenever I remember to forget about
what it is that I thought I must do,
and in these times, I am (and so should I be).

Slivers of Sentiment

Slivers of sentiment,
shards of shared memories,
dreams of happily ever after shattered,
and no one knows how to clean up the pieces
without getting cut
and bleeding all over the place
in awkward apologies and vulnerable vengeance.

Better Times for New Beginnings

If there is no time like the present
Then why are so many trapped in the past
Waiting for the future to rescue them?

There must be better times for new beginnings
than the poor excuses we let slip through our fingertips.

What We Once Were

Insert your own commas:

I'm sorry
I loved you
the best I could
believe in something
greater than
this is
what I am
now that we're not
what we once were.

Get It Out

Don't you think I know by now?
Don't you know I realize?

Yes, there is a blindness, an ignorance,
but it hasn't been bliss.

I just wanted to let you know.
I just had to get it out.

I Guess I Was Wrong

I thought I loved the freedom,
the wonder of it all,
I was infatuated by the thought,
the experience.
I laid myself down,
I let myself go,
I fell from grace.

I wanted you to know,
I thought you would care.

I guess I was wrong.

Inspired by "Casting Shadows"

Richardson Beach Stairs
Originally uploaded by amy allcock

It's not what I see
When the sun looks at me
My shadow cast

Inspired by "Registrations of the Past"

Montage of US number plates_c
Originally uploaded by Jon Bower

Past lives registered
Places I have been

Inspired by "Stand in the place where you live"

Time rushes through
The darkened world outside
But I am home

The appreciated moment

It’s the simple, the silent, the appreciated moment
     That reminds me how much I love you,
And so, I remain,
     Mindful of the time that we are given
     Expecting to remember.

My pain, my heart

If I try, I can still remember the crime,
   The time,
   The how and the where that it was that I lost it…

A sunlight noonday,
   Green, summer-field betrayed,
   Running freely,
   Playfully fun,
   I didn’t see it coming,
   So unknowingly
   I lost it,
 So I left my heart…

I threw it in the stream running there,
   Where last I gave it,

I abandoned all hope
   Of its return.
I forfeited all remembrance
   Of its existence.

Until, somehow, the current brought it,
   Without my knowing,
   Without my expectation,
 To You,
 To offer,
   So reverently,
   Back to me.

Inspired by "Pittsburgh Glass"

Originally uploaded by Shana Marie

Monochromatic glass
Capitalistic cathedrals
Lying inside

Inspired by "The Arch"

The Arch
Originally uploaded by Vesuviano - Nicola De Pisapia

Majestic beacon
Westward welcoming
To wide open sky

Inspired by "History in modern life"

History in modern life
Originally uploaded by yanni

Man's ancient treasure
Moving forward in time
From one imagination to the next


This manifest of my life long before begun,
my soul speaking,
the purpose of its path
as here I sit tossed about in desperate confusion and confused desperation.
I cannot feel, so start to think my thoughts,
all that I have.
I think about this would of ours,
success in measures,
material matters,
a life half in the mirror as not see the whole, our selves.
I think about the ladder skyward climbing,
reaching through the clouds of the great unknown.
I think of getting,
gotten and gone,
of value based on the bias of impulse
and tomorrow’s worthless junk destined.
I think of the mass amassed,
the means meant
and the emptiness of it all in the end.
I think of the looking back and not seeing,
the looking forward and not knowing,
the looking within and not finding,
a scene played out on the stage of this existence,
so written,
so acted out,
of learned lines,
and parts performed,
of curtain calls that never come
and canned applause that never fades.
I think of the failure and woes,
the defeated aggressors,
the angered damaged,
the questions remaining,
the fault of who,
the intention of some.
I think of the roads untravelled,
the fields unfree,
the sky unabounding.
I think of the moments missed in the focus on future,
of regrets remembered because.
I think of crowds of empty,
of loneliness marching in echoes,
misinformed of the simply mystery of it all.

Where are we all going?
What will we do when we get there?

Somehow, sometimes,
and especially the sometime of this right now,
I think that thinking will not lead me to most where I’m meant
and so abandoned,
I begin to feel the feeling of my soul awakening.
I feel the laughter of so simple a revolution,
the giddy gut twinge
rise up through my stomach
and reaching my chest,
growing warm
the blood of my soul rushing forth,
and pounding ever stronger within me.
I feel the smile become my face,
the joy of my lips,
and eyes joining in.
I feel the simple sight of sharing,
of faith in each and all of us.
I feel the give and the take and no longer tension between the two.
I feel the magic transcending knowings unknown
into being of beings.
I feel the words of every first
and every second so on,
the childlike freshness and awe of discovery.
I feel the honor of the minutes moving through ticking time.
I feel the fullness of breathing deeply,
the cool shadows of peace and calm,
my why becoming.
I feel the joining,
the coming together,
the interdependent meanings of life that each we are.
I feel the promise of people,
the greater than one.
I feel the doorway to dreams opening,
the horizons calling,
the eternal inviting.
I feel the search never ending,
yet ever mending and bending
and sending our selves on adventures of answers and treasures of truth.
I feel the funnel,
life drawing it down to simpler,
and simpler flowing,
into me,
each now,

life is...

life is the peaceful calm of the midnight hour
as you lie half awake
in your bed
and smile at just the flickering thought
of the day gone by.

their time will come

once again and again
the words rambling,
playful tykes within me crawling,
walking through the corridors
of my mind –

they are youthful yet,
their time will come.

romantic poet

romantic poet,
have you lost your muse,
or simply the musings of misery
and desperation so often
the human soul inspiring.

waiting for me

i can’t say as that,
as yet,
i understand the purpose of me,
but the words are there
waiting for me to find them

fine line

the fine line distance drawn
between drinking from the fountain of youth
and drawing from the well of wisdom -

and though the artistry of age
often paints the grass a greener other side,
each will quench the soul for their time.

the words reached through

strangle hold told the tale,
my tongue tied creative arms pinned behind me,
beneath me even.

i was unsure of
where the surface breaking be,
my breath holding,
turning blue,
the light of day dark,

when the words reach through to save me

Inspired by "Isabella Rose"

Isabella Rose
Originally uploaded by Sunset Sailor

Harbors for rusty hearts
Left lonely alone
The refuse of regret

Inspired by "Southland in the Springtime"

Southland in the Springtime
Originally uploaded by mothernature

Sailing across a sea of bloom
Lost in aroma
Blinded by the innocence of beauty

Inspired by "Pyramid of Steel and Glass"

Pyramid of Steel and Glass
Originally uploaded by forgottenpittsburgh

Angry angles
Align the void
Metal shades of light

Inspired by "Breathing"

Originally uploaded by photo_snoopy4ever

To the secret
Dark unknown
Of the soul

Inspired by "Fire Escape From Market Square"

Fire Escape From Market Square, originally uploaded by Marc_714.

A vertical accordian
A glow casting shadow spiders
Timeworn brick messages

How is it?

How is it I have all this wealth of words
and am yet too often poor to speak how I truly feel?

I watched my reflection..

I watched my reflection look deep into her eyes and lost myself…

All she needed

I watched her shed a tear,
I watched her cry a river,
I let her float away because I thought that she could swim.

I thought that she could swim
Because she had saved me from drowning so many times.
And only when the current pulled her under
Did I realize all she needed too.

Nothing is coincidence

When we close our eyes and look,
     we start to notice the accidental blessings,
     and circumstantial blunders,
     the situational beings,
     and purposeful doings that lead us and meet us
          on every crossing path.
When we open our mind and feel,
     we start to realize nothing is coincidence.

Such a possibility

Have you ever considered such a possibility, that everybody else, the entire population of this planet, the collective being of this global home, is here solely for the purpose of your journey? What if they're all just paper-mache scenery, majestic backdrops, hired extras, disposable props on the set of the stage of your life? What if they're all just street signs, roadside attractions, orange detours, one-night motels, stainless steel diners along the road of your life? Could you be the center of your own earth-bound universe? How would it change your perspective if you were? Then again, what if you're just here for their journey?


Will it matter 20 seconds from now,
     when your salty tears reach your lips,
          and you first taste the reality of this moment,
     when your resounding screams of disbelief
          must finally stop to take a breath,
     when your dizzy senses begin to find their equilibrium?

Will it matter 20 minutes from now,
     when your heaving chest finds its living rhythm,
     when your rushing emotion, out of its necessity,
          starts to tire and slow its pace,
     when your veins stop pulsing angrily through the skin that protects them?

Will it matter 20 days from now,
     when your conscience makes amends
          with the stubborn will of your expectations,
     when your objective side
          seeks arbitration with your subjective side?

Will it matter 20 weeks from now,
     when your recollection of the cause of this moment
          fades into a shady grey area of details?

Will it matter 20 years from now, when,
     what was the matter, anyhow?

Questions of Life

What if you had chosen the path that you didn't?
     What would have happened to the path that you did?
What if the voice inside your head is only an echo?
     What would others think if they heard it?
What if you're not really here?
     Where are you, then, and what is here?
What if your entire life was already predetermined?
     Would you want to go through with it?
What if you knew the place and time of your death?
     Would you go there and then?
What if you never felt, heard, saw, tasted?
     How would you miss the sensation?
What if you had nothing to lose?
     Would you be afraid to risk everything you have?
What if you could never die?
     Would you ever really live?

When will it matter?

What will they say about you when they see you approaching?
What will they say about you when they see you walking away?
What will they say about you when they take your place?
What will they say about you when they celebrate your life?
What will they say about you when they meet your children?
What will they say about you when you die?
When will it matter what they will say about you?

The mirror of life

What do you see in life all around you is that which is within you,
     a magical mirror of your soul circumstance,
     each nuance and nook,
     each annoyance and attitude
     projecting itself onto your experience entire.

So should you choose to see so you can see,
     if you should look,
     what it truly means to you,
     to be you,
simply look at that before you in the mirror of life.

The meaning of every life

Lying there, face up to tearful eyes, and silent cries,
     the mourning sound, and all around,
     the pain of those you are leaving behind.

Soulthoughts whirl as your life plays back
     in an instant blink of time.

Rising up, looking down
     you realize the truth of your purpose,
     the meaning of every life.

But we can never go back again.

We can remember, recall and reminisce.
We can make excuses, examples and explanation.
We can laugh about it, cry about it, smile about it and try to understand it.
But we can never go back again.

What do you know?

What is it to truly KNOW someone...
  To be on their inside,
     live through their thoughts,
     feel their pain,
     cry their tears,
     see through their eyes,
     reach for their goals,
     understand their fears,
     deal with their failures,
     struggle with their doubts,
     share in their love,
     celebrate their achievements,
     appreciate their tastes,
     follow in their footsteps.
The sum total of these alone leave us
     at best hoping to know ourselves,
     and family as strangers most familiar.

It is time, what is it?

It's a distance measured,
     a length of lesson,
     a growth chart,
     a slice of experience,
     a testing ground,
     a memory box,
     a place marker,
     a relative of our every position.
It is time, what is it?

The speed of this life

I just woke up this morning and looked out my window
     to witness the rising of another day.
I stood there in awe as the sun raced across the sky
     in an arch of golden-blue blur, without interruption, without conscience.

I just woke up this morning and opened my door
     to feel the breeze upon my skin.
I stood there in silence as the crowd rushed by me
     in a vapor-trail flash, without slowing, without noticing.

I just woke up this morning and laid back down to rest awhile from the speed of this life.

As time is untrue...

Why does time speak these hours like words, the years forming sentences of a seeming truth, when my life's term is more often a momentary lie of constant changing?

And what for my understanding of this language with such a dialect of deceipt,
a forked tongue splitting the paths of my past and my future?

How real the signs read,
TIME passing, THEN is NOW, NOW was THEN,
and here I AM,
standing stopped forever at the crossroads,
searching the horizon for a landmark of truth and feeling time will not tell true.

What a difference of a day

What a difference of a day
   When we will just allow,
Without the death of all the faith
   That led us up to now.
What a change this passing speaks,
   If we just listen to,
The truth of all it has to say,
   Of all that time can do.

This Lifetime Apart

This immaculate word conceived,
This still, tiny voice crying out,
This miracle of creation, creating,
   And where we might meet again.

Dying, Learning

I was there, in the room, the dry stale rays of sunlight breaking through the threadbare shears, covering his draped and tired form, a crowd of familial strangers sharing in the silence of a soul-wrenching loss.

I saw their tear-streaked faces, felt the heaviness of their breath fall upon my damp clammy skin, my heart bleeding in a pool of collecting ache on the floor, my stomach sickening as I choked back emotion.

I watched his chest heave and fall, clinging to and letting go of life with every breath, I felt the spirit walking away.

night magic

there’s magic in the late hours,
a returning to the dream from whence we came,
a remembering in the silence,
  of truth,
  of meaning,
  of a world void of distance and time –

what beauty?

blank and empty,
early morning,
the fog still rolling about your head,
the canvas of the day before you –

what beauty will you make of it?


We climb mountains of hope,
trying to reach the pinnacle,
the realization of love,
of two become one.

We stretch our hearts to heights of promise,
waiting for the point,
the peak of love realized,
the first 'I Love You'.

And just at that sound,
just at that moment,
     suddenly we find ourselves falling,
     without a parachute,
     without an idea of how steep,
     or how deep or how long the feeling will last,
  our soul praying for a soft landing.


Held like a dagger’s point
Careful not to prick,
Ready to drop at the slightest twinge of pain,
The memory dangerous and daring.

If I look deep enough into the comfort
Of the blade’s polished reflection,
I can almost feel the warmth of the sunshine
Reaching out to me.

The desert of my history is barren,
The mirage on the horizon of my thinking
Seems a scorching recollection unbearable.
I wander, I search for love to quench my thirst, to cool this burning heart.

There is no one out here, I am all alone.